Alma Abdul
3 min readFeb 16, 2022


Nurturing Eco-Consciousness in Children: Empowering the Next Generation for a Sustainable Future


As Indians, we practice a lot of sustainability in our day-to-day lives. From electricity and water conservation to squeezing the last bit of toothpaste, our parents have instilled in us the importance of minimizing waste. Nowadays, when I come across articles about “daily habits that can bring about a change in the global climate and environment,” most of it is already part of our routine and household practices. However, I must admit, as a child, I didn’t fully grasp their significance. It wasn’t until the past few years, with the alarming consequences of our actions becoming apparent, that I began to view sustainability as something far more profound.

The Urgency for Change: When we envision the Earth two decades from now, it’s impossible not to feel a sense of unease. Having just experienced a global pandemic, we are left contemplating what our future generations will inherit. How can we raise their awareness? Is it even possible to teach children, our nieces, and nephews about global warming at such a young age? Or will they dismiss our efforts as mere adult nagging and rule-making?

Addressing Concerns: Three Approaches for Sustainable Education: If these concerns resonate with you, here are three ways to bring about a conscious change in the way children perceive sustainable practices.

  1. Show them a movie or documentary: Children possess naturally curious minds, eager to learn and understand the world around them. While sustainability and global warming may seem like complex concepts, we can simplify them in ways that children can grasp. Before bombarding them with demands to turn off lights, conserve water, or avoid wasting food, let’s first show them the tangible reality. Textbooks and syllabuses may cover pollution and climate change, but for most children, it remains academic information memorized for exams. Introducing them to visual films can depict the impact of plastic ingestion by marine life, the devastation of barren lands, the destruction caused by forest fires, and the melting of icebergs. A visual medium can change their perspective entirely.

2. Encourage one step at a time: Children are highly sensitive beings and may become overwhelmed once they grasp the significance of sustainability. They might want to eliminate every plastic jar, remote, bottle, or pen in the house. However, an immediate purge is not a practical solution. Instead, we should teach them the power of consistency and gradual change. Start with simple steps like refusing plastic bags when purchasing books, stationery, or groceries, and avoiding single-use plastic cups and straws. While we can’t eliminate all existing plastic items overnight, we can make conscious choices to minimize additional plastic consumption. By guiding children with patience and persistence, we establish the foundation for lasting habits and a sustainable mindset.

3. Let them spend time in nature: To truly understand the beauty and fragility of our planet, children need firsthand experiences with nature. They should have the opportunity to marvel at the flight of birds, feel the grass beneath their feet, touch delicate flowers, observe buzzing bees, taste the sweetness of honey, witness the intricacy of silk, and more. Despite the allure of urban malls, let’s explore eco-friendly alternatives for weekend getaways. Encourage visits to farms, orchards, bird parks, fish aquariums, or other natural environments where children can connect with the wonders of nature. These experiences will foster a sense of awe and respect for the environment, igniting their desire to protect it.

We cannot afford to let the coming generation merely view the marvels of our world through pictures and museum exhibits. Our children need not wait for a crisis to make a difference; they possess the power to create change now. It is our responsibility to guide and inspire them on this journey. By showing them the beauty of sustainability through visual media, nurturing gradual change, and immersing them in the wonders of nature, we empower them to become stewards of a sustainable future. Let us begin.



Alma Abdul

Content Writer | Ideologies and mindset fascinate me. Words help translate those mindsets. I hope you have a good read.